Dutch Trading is a company founded in 2005, its main field of activity being the sale of cattle, sheep and carcass. The company purchases animals both through collection centers in the country and by its purchasers. After reaching the Dutch Trading premises, the animals enjoy excellent growth conditions, benefiting by the care provided by a staff with vast experience.
Dutch international Trading operates on the autochthonous market since 2008, dealing mainly with young cattle and young sheep trade. The company has a modern farm, located in the town of Mizil, Prahova County, and also collection centers specially designated for taking, selecting, handling and distributing animals in the best conditions. Handling, selecting and taking care of animals is done using qualified personnel with vast experience.
Transport of animals is performed via its own fleet of trucks, these providing the most modern facilities in the field of transport live animals.
In the field of animal nutrition, Dutch Trading has its own feed center and automated feeding system for both cattle and sheep.
TAGS: #Pregnant heifers, #livestock export, #livestock import, #holstein heifers, #angus heifers, #simmental heifers, #limousine heifers, #angus bulls, #holstein bulls, #bulls, #limousine bulls, #simmental bulls, #bulls export and import, #calves export and import, #heifers export and import, #lambs export, #sheep export, #lambs and sheep import, #livestock buy, #livestock sell, #livestock transport
Dutch Trading has collection centers arranged for cattle and sheep processing.
From here, the animals are transported to the farm, located in the town of Mizil, Prahova County, taking part in a fattening process, automated and closely monitored.
DutchTrading Collection Center
Brebu town, Caras Severin county, Romania
+4 0748 462 325
DutchTrading Collection Center
Vintu de Jos town, Alba county, Romania
+4 0758.703.703
DutchTrading Collection Center
Sanger town, Mures county, Romania
+4 0740.234.114
DutchTrading Collection Center
Sadova town, Suceava county, Romania
+4 0723 673 916
+4 0728 314 643
DutchTrading Collection Center
Mizil town, Prahova county, Romania
+4 0732 161 571
DutchTrading Collection Center
Pogoanele town, Buzau county, Romania
+4 0728 314 643
+4 0722 565 985
DutchTrading Collection Center
Oiejdea town, Alba county, Romania
+4 0740 234 114
DutchTrading Collection Center
Tulghes village, Harghita county, Romania
+4 0720 071 485
+4 0720 045 746
DutchTrading Collection Center
Tulghies 27A town, Miresul mare village, Romania
+4 0752,343,685
DutchTrading Collection Center
Cernesti town, Maramures county, Romania
+4 0720 071 485
+4 0720 045 746
DutchTrading Collection Center
Zalau town, Salaj county, Romania
+4 0743 125 060